The Creature smiling
Creature Games

Meet the Team!


I am a coffee lover, social butterfly, and side project enthusiast. I have been making small games for years but always worked alone. After convincing Josh to try a game jam with me I discovered the joy of creating with others. I enjoy working on all aspects of game development, especially design, coding, and animation.


I've been into video games since I was very young and interested in programming since I was about 10 - you can usually find me working on a programming project on the side. I love figuring out how to get computers to do interesting stuff (especially games), and that's why I'm excited to put my skills to the test as part of this team!


Isaiah here, one of your resident animators/story writers! To be honest, I would not have called myself a creative mind until early 2022. My full-time gig involves being a full-time student studying electrical engineering, so not much margin for artistic outlets. However, after buying Aseprite on a whim and practicing (and practicing and practicing...), Rylan called me up and asked me to animate for 'The Creature' which, frankly, was pretty shocking for me. Long story short, I'm super excited to be working on 'The Memory Machine' and am super pumped to be a part of this amazing team!


Hi, I’m Em! I compose the soundtracks for Creature Games Studios. Music has been a part of my life ever since I can remember; I began piano lessons when I was about eight years old, and through the years I’ve studied music in private lessons and in college, been involved in choirs, drum circles, and collaborative projects with friends. One of my favorite parts of composing is that magical moment when you first add music to something and it breathes a whole new dimension of life into it. When I’m not lost in the realm of composing, you can find me climbing trees, petting cats, dancing my heart out to EDM, and chilling with my friends.


Hello there! I'm the HD artist, animal enthusiast, and newest creative of the CGS team. Like most digital artists, my origins began with Microsoft Paint, where long hours of mindless scribbles and computer eye strain would ensue. I finally upgraded to a different graphic software in September 2019, and have been drawing digitally since. When I'm not inflicting carpal tunnel upon myself, you'll find me visiting with friends or spoiling my house rabbit, Bluebell.


Over Christmas break in 2021, Rylan and Josh decided to try making a game together. They had both worked on games before but never with a team. They chose a game jam to enter, cleared their schedules, and got to work coding a game about exposing The Grinch as a fake mall Santa. Even though that project was never finished, it sparked an interest in collaborative game development.

Fast-forward to spring break when Rylan convinced Isaiah to join a project. The three amigos joined the “Week Sauce” game jam with a theme of energy and made a game about friendship and cooperation. The Creature was made over the course of 5 days, fueled by a lot of coffee, and laid the roots for Creature Games Studio.

A key contribution to The Creature came from Josh’s sibling Em; they composed the game’s lovely soundtrack, including multiple songs for different parts of the game. Em is continuing to work on music for the team.

Another sibling recruit is Kaylie, Isaiah’s sister. She creates the fantastic character art in The Memory Machine and runs our Instagram account. Be sure to follow our Instagram account where we will be documenting our game development!